1. BR Standard "K" Class Exhaust Steam Injector. The large lagged pipe is the exhaust steam feed from the blast nozzle in the
smokebox. |
Same as Number 1. |
Bogie equalising bars and steam operated cylinder cocks. The centre one
is the steam chest drain which has a pipe from a tapping on the
underside of the steam chest behind the cylinder cleading. The cylinder
drains are kept shut with live steam supplied from the drivers valve
which is situated on the left of the firebox just under the footplate.
(Lost wax castings should be available for these shortly).
Main front bolster and bogie centre. The side control springs are
visible above the front coupled Cannon Axle Box. The pipe on the left
is the live steam pipe to the cylinder drain cocks. |
 5. Similar to
4 above. |
Front End. Note the pipe arrangement to the vacuum hose connection.
This is the standard arrangement for all BR Standard engines (Would you
believe!). The ribbed hose behind the vacuum pipe is to the AWS.
(Automatic Warning System for signals). Note the stay to the front step.
 7. Front of bogie and guard iron. |
Left hand Bogie Pressure Plate. Just under the bearer bracket are the
grease pipes from the nipples on the side of the bearer plate to the
horn cheeks. |
 9. Right hand side of Bogie. Note single swab box to piston rod and cylinder relief valve. |
Boiler underside. The large pipe diagonally up to the left is the sand
box filler with red sand box visible. The pipe sweeping up to the left
is from the injector to the right hand clack.
 11. Boiler, right hand side. The large lagged pipe is the exhaust steam to the injector. |
 12. Boiler, left hand side. |
Boiler, right hand side. |
 14. Brake, right hand side. Note steam sander ejector and pipe work, and , the split cotter in the end of the brake beam. |
Front end. Things worth noting are, the simple lamp irons (Not
"brackets" please!), the dimpled buffer steps, and nuts on the outside
to fix the buffers in place. This is standard practice on virtually all
locos. Note that the steam heat hose is plain rubber and not ribbed. |
Britannia Cab Centre 1. The red handle is the whistle operating lever
and the bottom left wheel is the blower valve on the driver's pedestal.
At the top right is the boiler pressure gauge with the carriage warming
pressure gauge above and the handwheel to the right is the steam
heating valve isolator. The left hand live steam injector valve is just
visible to the extreme right and the brown Tufnol handle on the bottom
of the pedestal is the sanding valve.
Britannia Cab Centre 2. To the left of the red whistle valve is the
Graduable Steam Brake Valve (As supplied by Dave Noble) with the
Driver's Vacuum Brake valve on top of pedestal (as supplied by D.
Hewson Models) and the fire hole flap in the centre. |
Britannia Cab Left. The regulator handle is red (Usually black) and to
the left in the window are the two steam valves for the large and small
vacuum brake ejector. The reverser is of course clearly visible and to
the left of the blower is the vacuum reservoir release button. At the
base of the pedestal is the isolating valve for the tender steam brake. |
Britannia Cab left 2. The dial on the left is the Speedometer with the
AWS indicator black and yellow. The gauge with the two needles is the
Vacuum Duplex Gauge with the left hand needle for the train pipe and
the right hand one for the reservoir. Also visible is the vacuum
operated steam brake valve and the two water gauge frames. |
Britannia Cab Left 3. Again the large and small ejector valves are
visible with the reverser and latch (as available from D. Hewson
Models). The red drum is the cut off indicator but on BR engines this
would have been black with lettering picked out in white. |