![Britannia - Cab Left 04.jpg](TN_Britannia%20-%20Cab%20Left%2004.JPG) 21.
LHS of cab showing Driver’s seat. Forward of that is the reverser with
cut off indicator drum painted red and latch for retaining setting in
front. Above the reverser are the two valve for vacuum brake ejector,
Tufnol handle on small ejector and handwheel on large ejector. Three
spoke blower valve wheel to driver’s right on pedestal is non original
as it should be four spoke similar to large ejector. Tufnol handle
below blower is sanding valve. Brass casting on top of pedestal is the
vacuum brake valve. |
![Britannia - Cab Left 05.jpg](TN_Britannia%20-%20Cab%20Left%2005.JPG) 22.
Upper cab left side. Black bell in cab roof is for the AWS. Large dial
is Speedometer, pressure gauge at top is steam chest pressure and below
with two needles is the vacuum duplex gauge showing train pipe vacuum
to left and reservoir vacuum to right. Between the gauges is the yellow
and black AWS indicator. Below the AWS is the driver’s Steam Brake
valve and the gauge frames to the right minus their protectors. Opening
roof is for dropping chains through to attach to lifting eyes on rear
frame extensions for lifting loco without removing cab, e.g. following
![Britannia - Cab Left 06.jpg](TN_Britannia%20-%20Cab%20Left%2006.JPG) 23. Much the same as
21 Drain cock lever is just out of sight under small window shelf to left. |
![Britannia - Cab Left 07.jpg](TN_Britannia%20-%20Cab%20Left%2007.JPG) 24.
Much the same as 21 |
![Britannia - Cab Left 08.jpg](TN_Britannia%20-%20Cab%20Left%2008.JPG) 25.
Much the same as 22 |
![Britannia - Cab Left 09.jpg](TN_Britannia%20-%20Cab%20Left%2009.JPG) 26. Similar to
21 Just visible at bottom of pedestal is the lubricator for steam brake cylinder. |
![Britannia - Cab Right 01.jpg](TN_Britannia%20-%20Cab%20Right%2001.JPG) 27.
Fireman’s side of cab with small carriage warming pressure gauge and
larger boiler pressure gauge. Two handwheels to right are injector
steam valves and red lever is whistle. Under window to right is the
slacker valve and pipe for washing footplate down. Lever under lower
injector valve is water valve for right hand injector.
![Britannia - Cab Right 02.jpg](TN_Britannia%20-%20Cab%20Right%2002.JPG) 28. Cab Inside right with fireman’s seat. Just visible under fire hole door is rocking grate lever socket. |
![Britannia - Cab Right 03.jpg](TN_Britannia%20-%20Cab%20Right%2003.JPG) 29.
Cab Inside right with fireman’s seat and door. Handle to right of door
is linked to water valve under cab at left hand side for live steam
injector. (See photo 36) |
![Britannia - Coupled Wheel Rear Right.jpg](TN_Britannia%20-%20Coupled%20Wheel%20Rear%20Right.JPG) 30.
Right hand read coupled wheel with exhaust steam pipe from blast pipe to RH injector. |
![Britannia - Cylinder Left Rear.jpg](TN_Britannia%20-%20Cylinder%20Left%20Rear.JPG) 31.
Left hand motion. Note single feed swab box fixed to rear cylinder
cover, pipe visible behind to drip on piston rod, also fixing of brake
hanger with two bolt locking tab and simple split pin to retain brake
![Britannia - Cylinder Right Front.jpg](TN_Britannia%20-%20Cylinder%20Right%20Front.JPG) 32. Front of right hand cylinder with relief valve at bottom of cover. |
![Britannia - Cylinder Right Rear.jpg](TN_Britannia%20-%20Cylinder%20Right%20Rear.JPG) 33. Right hand motion with better view of oil swab box and rear relief valve. Good view of Silvertown Lubricator drive. |
![Britannia - Driver View.jpg](TN_Britannia%20-%20Driver%20View.JPG) 34. Left hand side of cab with driver’s view. Detail around windows worthy of note, particularly wind deflector. |
![Britannia - Driving Cab Left Front.jpg](TN_Britannia%20-%20Driving%20Cab%20Left%20Front.JPG) 35.
Detail on left side of cab, note all those lovely rivets (and how small
they are!). Duplex steam valve in front of cab window is large and
small ejector valve (with operating spindles shown in photo 21). Note:
pipe passing under Duplex valve is the blower from pedestal to blower
in smokebox, it does not pass through the boiler. Cab window has been
modified to later type as original ones did not open . Original ones
had screwed brass frame round. (See Plate 25 in OPC BR Std Steam
Locos). Valve below footplate is steam valve for steam operated
cylinder cocks and larger pipe below that is from drivers brake valve
to steam brake cylinder. A complete replacement laser cut cab set with
all correct rivet holes and detail will be available soon from DH.
![Britannia - Driving Cab Left.jpg](TN_Britannia%20-%20Driving%20Cab%20Left.JPG) 36.
LH side of cab and firebox with ash pan damper visible. Quite prominent
on top of the fire box are two mud hole doors (Mid feather access
doors) and five washout plugs. Note washout plugs on BR Standards do
not have beading around holes in cleading, better seen on photo 35.
There are 25 washout plugs on a Britannia boiler, note two are at
bottom of fire box side and one just beneath step forward of duplex
valve. Attached to a bracket on firebox side is the Live Steam Injector
and just under cab is the water valve for same operated by linkage from
fireman’s side. Hopefully DH will have a lost wax castings for these water valves
shortly (as at 14 Oct 2002). |
![Britannia - Driving Cab Right.jpg](TN_Britannia%20-%20Driving%20Cab%20Right.JPG) 37.
Right hand side of cab and firebox. The valve on top of the firebox is
the carriage warming pressure reducing valve which has a steam feed
from the right hand end flange on the manifold. The pipe coming out of
the front and dropping down to the footplate is connected to the train
pipes at both ends of the loco/tender. Other details worth noting and
well worth adding are the little rows of bolts along the cleading seams
and the step for access to the manifold. The joints can be represented
by a scribed line. Under the footplate is the blowdown valve and the
small pipe taken off the injector deliver pipe to the left is the
slacker pipe and hence can only be used when the exhaust steam injector
is in use. |
![Britannia - Driving Cab Underside.jpg](TN_Britannia%20-%20Driving%20Cab%20Underside.JPG) 38.
View under the left side of the cab showing water valve with the
operating linkage to the right hand side and above is the reservoir for
the AWS (I think). The large pipe to the top left is the steam feed for
the injector from the valve at the Fireman’s side of the cab. |
![Britannia - Firebox Left.jpg](TN_Britannia%20-%20Firebox%20Left.JPG) 39.
Left side of firebox with the fittings as described above. Immediately
under the injector is the ashpan dump catch. Note the overflow pipe
under the injector is taken across the loco to the Fireman’s side so
that he can see whether or not it is working properly. |
![Britannia - Firebox Right.jpg](TN_Britannia%20-%20Firebox%20Right.JPG) 40.
RH Side of firebox. Details prominent are the lagged steam pipes for
the carriage steam heating to front and rear of the loco, drop link to
front damper door at front of firebox and blow down valve (With large
thread on nozzle). Immediately in front of trailing truck wheel is the
overflow pipe from left injector as described in 39 and note also
single feed oil box on rear of truck. |